
Meet Ronan Diego


About Ronan

Speaking about conscious fitness at AFest Jordan 2022
Performing live for Mark Cuban with Vishen Lakhiani
Certified over 900 holistic health coaches
Creator of HoloBody Holistic Health Certification
At HoloBody Intensive Online Seminar with Vishen Lakhiani teaching over 3,000 people live
Sharing the stage with other Mindvalley authors like Vishen Lakhiani, Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani, Lee Holden, Marie Diamond, and Dr. Amy Killen
Author of 10X fitness program by Mindvalley
Speaking about health and longevity at Mindvalley University 2019 in Croatia
Speaking about health and longevity at Mindvalley University 2019 in Croatia
Leading fitness training at events

I can be booked for:


Whether it’s a conference or  seminar- your audience will walk away with a renewed perspective on the science of health & fitness.

Podcast Interviews

If you have a podcast promoting a healthy lifestyle with a strong following, I’d love to be your guest.


Physical health is a matter of public interest. Book me for an interview, feature article, or quote.

Speaking Topics

These are 6 of my favorite topics to speak about. Although there are many others that we can explore based on what your interests are.

Whether it’s at global stages, virtual summits, or podcasts, my audiences describe my talks and seminars as “groundbreaking, eye-opening, and deep” at the same time as “inspiring, fun, and energetic”.

Permanent Body Transformation


Why most people regain 80% of their weight loss in 5 years and why we don’t need to: the 8 archetypes of old patterns and beliefs.


Conscious body transformation: why body intelligence is the key to making a permanent body transformation.

Mind-Body Connection


The missing link in health and fitness: how your weight and strength are determined by the 7 levels of consciousness and how to ascend this scale.


The holistic approach to health: why nutrition and exercise alone are not enough to transform your health and how to work holistically.

The Mental Toll of Mainstream Fitness


The physical roots of mental health: how food, movement, and morning routines can create – or break – the state of joy and peace of mind.


The conscious fitness paradigm: why today’s fitness idealism is breaking your health and how to change the narrative of body transformation and make it work for you.

Watch Me In Action

Book Me

If you’d like to explore possibilities or discuss scheduling, please submit the form below. My team will get back to you shortly.

Book Me

If you’d like to explore possibilities or discuss scheduling, please submit the form below. My team will get back to you shortly.