Here are your Free Registration Bonuses

Bonus #1: Surfing the Hunger Wave Meditation

This 10-min meditation helps you throughout your fasting journey to mindfully experience hunger signals and release the impulse to eat comfortably and easily.

Bonus #2: Peaceful Warrior Morning Routine

Unlock vitality and clarity with a 7-step morning ritual blending qigong, yoga, breathwork, and meditation. Crafted from the teachings of Ronan’s mentors, this ritual—practiced daily by him—activates the body and brings harmony to the mind.

Would you like more for the 5-Day Easy Fasting Challenge?
Get Lifetime Access to the challenge PLUS access to 30-minute daily hot seat coaching sessions with Ronan throughout the challenge!

TOTAL Value: $1,797

What's Included in the Challenge VIP Access

LIFETIME Access to the ‘5-Day Easy Fasting Challenge’

($499 Value)

In the 5-day challenge, you’ll be unlocking one new 60-minute lesson every day that will only be available for 24 hours. So if you’d like to create even more momentum by reviewing them (or the coaching calls) at your own pace, then lifetime access is the perfect way to do exactly that.

5x 30-minute Daily Coaching Calls on Zoom (Group Q&A)

($999 Value)

Get direct access to Ronan Diego during these private 30-minute Zoom sessions, you can get coached around your burning questions in a safe and supportive environment. The group coaching call will take place daily right after the challenge at 10 am PT | 1 pm ET.

10k Steps Challenge

($299 Value)

Discover the profound benefits of walking, from mood enhancement to metabolic flexibility, and explore diverse ways to incorporate this habit into your routine seamlessly. Enhance your well-being, listen to your body, and kickstart a lifelong journey of walking 10K steps daily with Ronan’s comprehensive 5-day challenge.

All Rights Reserved @Ronan Diego